Meet Peggy Thompson
I was trained at The Cenacle Retreat Center before it moved to the Carondelet Center. I graduated from there in the late nineties. I was a chaplain for thirty years in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice settings where I used many of my skills in spiritual direction with my patients. I am retired from chaplaincy and now am able to devote my time and energy more fully to spiritual direction. It is a great privilege to walk with people in their spiritual journeys. I am ordained in the United Church of Christ and am a member of Contemplative Outreach. Centering prayer is key to all of the work I do.
I have special interests in working with creativity and spirituality. As an artist I often bring in visual resources and help directees cultivate their contemplative creative sides. I also use the 12 steps .(I have been in Alanon for 35 years). Dream work is also important to me through studying Carl Jung for many years. Many of my directees are either in ministry or some form of the arts. I use Ignition spirituality and Benedictine spirituality. I look upon our lives as God’s art work in which we are co creators.
Peggy identifies as United Church of Christ and Benedictine Oblate. She meets with people in Northeast Minneapolis or remotely.