Join one of our Peer Supervision Groups.

Peer Supervision Groups are an integral part of the Sacred Ground Community.

Peer Supervision is an important part of self-care for active spiritual directors. SDI’s Guidelines for Ethical Conduct recommend that spiritual directors engage in supervision by receiving regular supervision from peers or a mentor. Peer Supervision provides a place for directors to bring and tend to matters that arise within themselves during a spiritual direction session.

Our Peer Supervision Groups meet monthly from September through May. Groups may meet either in-person or on Zoom and are led by a facilitator or designated prayer leader. All members share responsibility to keep the process focused on the purpose of supervision.

Every Sacred Ground peer supervision group has its own richness and uniqueness. A contemplative approach is common to all peer supervision groups: starting and ending with prayer; honoring and listening deeply in the silences; and a reverence for the process and the movement of the Spirit. The structure is designed to serve as spiritual direction for the presenter, to keep the focus on the director rather than the directee. Peer support and ethical sharing bring opportunities for spiritual growth and awareness of areas needing focus.