Meet Pat Sniezek, OSB

Pat is accepting new directees.

 Knowing God and God’s great love and faithful Presence and living God’s will is my ground of being. The memory of God’s saving Grace came to me through a dream. During a very low period in my life, I had a dream that I was drowning. Then a figure came behind me and pulled me up by my hair out of the water. As I was taking a deep breath, I heard this strong, reassuring voice saying: “I won’t let you drown.” This was a God moment for me. God’s desire for me is fullness of life. How can this come about?

Today, my personal relationship with God is formed through my Benedictine Spirituality and Ignatian Spirituality centered in Lectio Divina, Imaginative contemplation, the Examen, Centering Prayer, communal prayer, relationships, living in community, silence, and walks in Nature. God’s grace continues to carry me to greater freedom and healing from interior wounds that block finding God in all things.

God, the Spiritual Director, invites me to assist others in the life of prayer that God gives to them. I listen with a nonjudgmental, compassionate presence and respectfully accompany people in their healing and unique faith journey in seeking and finding God. I believe that no part of life is irrelevant. I will listen attentively to the movements of God with them and always hold them in prayer.

Education: I have a Masters in Pastoral Studies/ Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Spring Hills College, Mobile AL. I participate in ongoing education in Spiritual Direction and Supervision. I have completed the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and have completed the Eight-week Course in Directing the Extended Ignatian Exercises.

Experience: I have experience in Addiction and 12-Step Spirituality, Health Care Ministry APRN/CNP, serving in clinics in rural AL and Native American reservations in MN. I participate in ongoing spiritual direction and supervision for spiritual directors. I am an artist and lover of Nature.

I meet directees by Zoom or in person.