Groundings is a monthly lecture series offered by Sacred Ground in collaboration with Loyola Spirituality Center and the Ignatian Spirituality Center at Saint Thomas More. Groundings is open to anyone interested in deepening their spirituality, their capacity for deep listening, and their contemplative engagement in our world. This February, we look forward to welcoming Dan Johnson.
500 year old Spanish mysticism is not the stuff of headlines, tweets, or TikToks. It is, however, wildly appropriate for the challenges and hunger of today’s society. At a time when there are so many voices competing for our attention, some of the practices and perspectives from a wounded soldier of the 1500’s, Ignatius of Loyola, are very helpful.
Whether you are well versed in the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatian Spirituality or Ignatius of Loyola, or are just starting to look into these, this gathering is for you. Using parts of Ignatius’ own story and prayer, we will see how imagination and wondering are key gifts for recognizing and trusting how the holy is moving at the core of our lives. From that place of trust we receive what we need to choose and live boldly in difficult times. We will also look at Ignatius’ encouragement to adapt the practices for the benefit of those we see in direction.
Dan Johnson has practiced spiritual direction for over 25 years and is the Managing Director at Loyola Spirituality Center. He was introduced to Ignatian Spirituality early on in that practice and has since gone on to study its application in spiritual direction at Creighton University in Omaha.
Registration is helpful, but not required. A $20 suggested donation to help cover costs may be paid at the door or online.
We are happy to be able to offer a live Zoom link to those who are unable to attend this event in person. You will need to request the zoom link when you register.