What happens when we seek questions instead of answers when we read the Bible? How are we expanded when we listen to the wisdom of a gathered community? When we bring our lived human experiences to the Bible, could we find resonance to the stories inside? Stephanie Spencer, from 40 Orchards, believes opening to these questions, and more, when we read Scripture changes everything about how we see it. At 40 Orchards, participants experience the power of reading the Bible using Midrash, the ancient Jewish practice that makes room for multiple possibilities, perspectives, and questions to belong. This will be less of a presentation and more of a practice, as Stephanie leads the group through a passage, helping us all learn from each other, wrestle together, and search for how God might be speaking.
Stephanie Spencer never tires of asking questions about God and the meaning of the human experience. A former pastor and seminary grad, she knows what it is to be inside the institutions of religion. But at this stage of her life, she can't imagine being anywhere but 40 Orchards, where she is sharpened by co-leadership with Lisa Adams, gets to learn from the gathered community, and experience spaces where everyone and everything belongs. She is passionate about helping people learn to trust their inner wisdom, and risk listening to the desires of their hearts. She has a complicated relationship with her emotions, and almost always finds clarity for her existential crises when she's on a hike or a run. Stephanie is also an Enneagram Coach, artist, wife, mother, and coffee-lover.
Groundings is a monthly lecture series for anyone interested in deepening their spirituality, their capacity for deep listening, and their contemplative engagement in our world. Groundings is sponsored by Sacred Ground Center for Spirituality, Loyola Spirituality Center, and The Ignatian Spirituality Center at Saint Thomas More and meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 1 - 3 pm at Ignatius Hall in Saint Thomas More Catholic Church.
Registration is helpful, but not required.
To cover costs, a $20 contribution is suggested. You may pay online or at the door.