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Groundings: Befriending our Belovedness

  • Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, Ignatius Hall 1079 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, MN, 55105 United States (map)

Groundings is a monthly lecture series offered September through May by Sacred Ground in collaboration with Loyola Spirituality Center and the Ignatian Spirituality Center at Saint Thomas More. Groundings is open to anyone interested in deepening their spirituality, their capacity for deep listening, and their contemplative engagement in our world.

. . . sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness,
— Galway Kinnell, Saint Francis and the Sow

It’s easy to forget who we are and who we were created to be.  We live in a wounded world that keeps telling us who we should be rather than imploring us to remember who we are.  We are God’s beloved.

In this Groundings session, we will explore two questions:  (1)How might those of us who offer spiritual direction continue to claim more fully our identity as God’s beloved? 

(2) What are the specific approaches we can draw upon for helping our directees reconnect with those lost soul parts and pieces of themselves who long to know them once again? 


Diane M. Millis, Ph.D., currently serves as a spiritual director and facilitates retreats in a wide array of sectors—educational, congregational, non-profit, philanthropic, health care, and corporate.  A lifelong learner and educator, she has taught at the University of Minnesota, the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University, St. Catherine University and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. Diane is the author of three books:  Conversation—the Sacred Art, Deepening Engagement, and Re-Creating a Life (named one of the best spiritual books of 2019).  To learn more about her ministry, visit

Registration is helpful, but not required. A $20 suggested donation to help cover costs may be paid at the door or online.

We are happy to be able to offer a live Zoom link to those who are unable to attend this event in person. You will need to request the zoom link when you register.

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